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Editorial team


Britta Hufeisen (Founding Editor, team member since 1996) is a professor of multilingualism research and German as a foreign language and head of the Language Resource Centre of TU Darmstadt.

Jörg-Matthias Roche (since 2008) is a professor of German as a foreign language and head of the multimedia research and development laboratory at the Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität Munich. He is director of the digital learning platform Deutsch-Uni Online (DUO).

Managing editors

Joachim Schlabach (since 2018) is an instructor of German and business communication at the University of Turku, Finland, and, as a research associate, he is a member of the Linguistics and Multilingualism research group at TU Darmstadt.

Barbara Stolarczyk (since 2018) is an instructor of Slavic languages (Polish), German and intercultural communication at the Language Resource Centre of TU Darmstadt, where she heads the Centre of Heritage Languages; currently on parental leave.

Ute Henning (deputy) works at TU Darmstadt as a writing tutor, teacher of German as a foreign language, in writing didactics and in language didactics.


Additional team members

Review editor

Sandra Drumm (since 2021) is a professor of German as a Second Language at the University of Kassel. Her research focuses on language (acquisition) in the subject classroom, teacher professionalisation and digitalisation in education.

Scientific board

  • HS-Prof. Univ.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Klaus-Börge Boeckmann, Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark, Graz, Austria
  • Prof. Dr. Monika Budde, Universität Vechta, Germany
  • Prof. Dr. Andrea Cnyrim, Hochschule Karlsruhe, Germany
  • Prof. Dr. Mirjam Egli Cuenat, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Windisch, Switzerland
  • Prof. Dr. Carolina Flinz, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
  • Associate Professor Dr. Sabine Jentges, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Netherlands
  • Dr. Peter Konerding, Universität Bamberg, Germany
  • Dr. Tristan Lay, The University of Sydney, Australia
  • Prof. Dr. Grit Mehlhorn, Universität Leipzig, Germany
  • Prof. Dr. Enrica Piccardo, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Prof. Dr. Aldona Sopata, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań, Poland
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Studer, Universität Freiburg, Switzerland
  • Prof. Dr. Ingo Thonhauser, Haute école pédagogique Vaud, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Eva Vetter, Universität Wien, Austria


Past team members

Claus Altmayer (review editor from 1998 to 2011) is a professor (emeritus) of German as a foreign language at the University of Leipzig focusing on cultural studies.

Nicole Marx (review editor from 2012 to 2021) is a professor of language education and German as a second language at the Mercator Institute of the University of Cologne.

Lina Pilypaityte (managing editor from 2012 to 2018) manages the Center for Teacher Training at the University of Koblenz· Landau, Koblenz campus.

Manfred Prokop (✝, Founding Editor, 1996 to 2016) was a professor of German (emeritus) at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada.

<<ZIF’s history
